Gorila Chubby Boa - Axle Bar
The Stubby version of the Gorila Boa Bar makes it easier for trainers and home gym owners to incoporate Strongman movements in their routine. This compact 59 inches long bar will make every movements just a little worse.
Also called the Axle Bar or the Fat Bar because of its 1,9" thick grip, it is known to be very hard on your forearms and core. Whether you're using it for axle deadlifts, clean and presses, lunges, you are sure to get a good workout out of this one. The unique Gorila Powder Coat is giving it a texture so you can actually lift it, or else it would've been a little too much for your forearms to take.
Warning! Standard Olympic Collars WILL NOT work on the Boa Bar, we recommend using axle Collars.